

Early Kate

I spent a week at the Experimental TV Centre in New York in the winter of 2005. It's an amazing archive of analog video technology, Jones Colorizers, a wobulator made by Nam Jun Paik, a full room of delights. I filled about 40 hours of tape with the fruits of the residency. You can configure the system any way you like, feeding one machine into the next, multiple channels into a nest of processing devices, before the final video signal emerges at the other end transformed.

Here's a short excerpt of one of those tapes, a revisiting of Kate Bush's first appearance on Top of the Pops to perform 'Wuthering Heights'. I fed several versions through a Sandin Image processor, basically a very early video synthesiser which looks like a giant telephone exchange. You key and colour the images by connecting different parts of the board to each other, tweaking the signal as it passes through. And it became a bit of an obsession. I have about 90 minutes of this. Here's one pass of the song. The pop star transformed in the technology of her time.

For more info on Sandin click here.